Tuesday, December 20, 2016


   Welcome to Day One of my posts. On TV this morning they are discussing people who have died and experience a separation from the body. The episode was from the medical point of view rather than the religious point of view.
   One of my classmates died yesterday, suddenly of a massive heart attack. Isn't all heart attacks massive when they kill you? Of course, we call it common sense. There's NO promise of a tomorrow.

   It doesn't matter what you believe, what you think about the afterlife, your belief does not change what will be; What you believe will only change your location.
   You can deny a hell and a heaven and believe that when you die, you just cease to exist.
   You can believe there is a hell and a heaven, and if that is the case, then you have come to a fork in the road. Which direction should I proceed? Turn right onto the heavenly path that is less traveled where the gate is narrower, or continue straight ahead through the stop sign in the direction you are facing, enjoying the view and beauty this world offers and not worry about anything but today. The gate is so wide you can't even see the gate posts.
   If you are correct and cease to exist after death, you will have lost nothing.
   If you are correct and believe in salvation by believing in the Lord Jesus and accepting him, you will have lost nothing.
   If you are incorrect in  believing life simply ceases to exist, you lose everything
   If you are incorrect in believing in salvation by believing in the Lord Jesus, you will lose everything,
   If you are correct about believing in salvation and that there is one God, one Lord, one Way to Eternity, you will have gained EVERYTHING.
   There are no unbelievers in death and there are no reversals.